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How Beauty Advertisements Underrepresent Hispanic Women


Hispanic women are one of the most influential segments of the beauty and self-care industry. In fact, according to an article in Beauty Inc, Latin women outspend the average U.S. beauty consumer by a whopping 30 percent.  Yet despite the massive spending power of Hispanic women, this important demographic is still often underrepresented and overlooked in advertising targeting the American public. For savvy beauty industry insiders, this presents an opportunity to both tap into a potent market and make a real difference in promoting diversity and inclusion. Combating Stereotypes of Hispanic Women in Beauty Advertisements One of the most significant…

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How Marketers Can Celebrate the Achievements of the AANHPI Community


In the last three years, it has become more critical than ever to exalt the contributions of the Asian American Pacific Islander (AANHPI) community and give voice to its members. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in anti-Asian hate crimes by up to 189% according to the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism. In addition, AANHPI communities have been victims of different aggressions, from verbal violence to physical attacks. According to the 2022 AANHPI Consumer Fact Pack from My Code’s Intelligence Center, 77% of AANHPI adults strongly feel that online racial hate…

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How Multicultural Households Are Shifting the Automotive Landscape


According to the latest research from My Code’s Intelligence Center on the automotive landscape, 9-in-10 multicultural households have at least one vehicle, which mirrors the overall rate of car ownership in the United States. Still, there are some critical nuances among the Hispanic, Black and Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI)  communities that auto manufacturers should understand to connect with these audience segments.  Multicultural Consumers Tend to Lease Vehicles at Higher Rates One of the most striking differences between the multicultural and other U.S. markets is a lower rate of owning vehicles (68 percent vs 75 percent). Our research found that…

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How Political Advertisers Can Connect With Multicultural Women

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In 2022, conversations around U.S. women’s rights have reignited worldwide. The overturning of Roe v. Wade motivated activists to speak out against the ruling and inspired women across the country to get involved in political conversations, rejoin marches and run for elected positions.  The reaction to the reversal of the 1973 landmark decision showcased the important role voting plays in shaping the constitutional rights of women. While Supreme Court Justices are appointed at the presidential level, political advertisements targeting women can deeply impact local-level elections (down the ballot). These political campaigns should utilize voting data to better identify and leverage…

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How Brands Can Maximize Their Relationship with Black Women Creators


The power of influencer marketing is on the rise, and the impact and need for Black women creators is undeniable. Their unique ways of storytelling are changing how the world experiences culture, humanity and products across countless industries.   Multicultural creators provide guidance and direction for influencers across the board, but it is Black women creators who are changing the prism of social media marketing. Ultimately, they help companies by driving purchasing decisions among women of color by being strategic in showcasing how brands are relatable and beneficial to their community. From Do-it-Yourself videos to long-form lifestyle content, their unique…

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How AANHPI Communities Can Overcome Mental Health Care Obstacles


Mental health is one of the issues that is becoming more and more relevant in our society. However, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) are often overlooked when it comes to mental health services due to systemic racism and gaps in the healthcare industry. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, only 21% of AANHPI adults received treatment for a mental illness in 2020. This is less than other communities that reach out for treatment with Hispanic/Latinos at 35%, Black Americans at 37% and White Americans at 52%. The issue seems to be that AANHPIs don’t often seek help…

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Gender Equity in Marketing: Are We Making Progress?


Society is more diverse than ever. While many are familiar with gender identities like cisgender, transgender and nonbinary, there are dozens of additional gender identities. According to a 2021 study of 2,000 adults by Bigeye, half of Generation Z and 56% of Millennials think traditional gender roles and labels related to strictly “male” and “female” genders are outdated. Given these viewpoints, we tackle the question, “what does gender representation look like in the media?” In addition, we’ll examine the importance of gender-inclusion and the steps that could make representation in marketing more equitable.  How is gender equity defined? According to…

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Why Smart Home Tech Brands Should Focus on Multicultural Advertising


Smart home technology has become a fast-rising sector, predicted to be a part of daily lives for nearly half of U.S. households by 2025. After nearly two years of pandemic lockdowns that shifted communication from human to virtual, we are seeing an even greater amount of interest in the sector than many could’ve ever predicted. Improving the Language of Smart Home Tech The increased interest in smart home tech, partly due to the pandemic, has encouraged top electronic and smart home brands to agree on a new partnership to standardize cross-platform integration so people are able to integrate products regardless of platform compatibility. …

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How to Incorporate Diversity in Video Marketing


How to Incorporate Diversity in Video Marketing Currently, the issues of diversity and inclusion have taken center stage. Audiences do not feel represented in the media and want to see that brands give visibility and voice to minorities and groups from different backgrounds that have long been excluded. For example, respondents to the My Code Beyond Demographics report were clear that they seek more diversity in advertisements and brands to showcase a genuine understanding of their needs and passions in their marketing efforts and strategies, including video. Brands Turn To Inclusive Marketing Practices Audience demands for more diverse marketing have…

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Why B2B Marketers Need to Focus on Multicultural Female Entrepreneurs


For the past five decades, multicultural women have been driving forces in business and entrepreneurship. The United States Census Bureau only started including questions about women’s business ownership in 1972, when around 400,000 businesses were counted as having a female owner.  Throughout these years, a revolution has been brewing in all sectors of the U.S. economy. Multicultural women, in particular, have subverted gender norms and taken a more active role in managerial positions. This is something marketing firms need to understand.  They do it all. Given the changes in gender power dynamics in the economy, more women than ever are…

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